2021 News:

Message from provost on launch of Rice Quantum Initiative: The Office of the Provost sent the following message on the launch of the Rice Quantum Initiative to the university.

Rice physicists find 'magnon' origins in 2D magnet : This topological feature could prove useful for encoding information in electron spins.

Bilayer borophene is a first : Rice theory combined with Northwestern experiments come together to produce an exotic material: bilayer borophene.

Physicists find room-temperature, 2D-to-1D topological transition : Rice-led team toggles side- and edge-conduction states in bismuth iodide crystals.

Physics Today - Symposia and webinars : Commentary from Physics Today’s Editor in Chief, Charles Day, on a virtual symposium hosted by the Rice Center for Quantum Materials.

Quantum dots keep atoms spaced to boost catalysis : Rice engineers develop strategy for higher-loading single atom catalysts.

Double-walled nanotubes have electro-optical advantages: Rice calculations show that double-walled nanotubes could be highly useful for solar panels.

Odd angles make for strong spin-spin coupling: Rice physicists’ RAMBO reveals magnetic phenomenon useful for quantum simulation and sensing.

Perovskite solar cells get an upgrade: Rice University engineers have achieved a new benchmark in the design of atomically thin solar cells made of semiconducting perovskites, boosting their efficiency while retaining their ability to stand up to the environment.

Quantum quirk yields giant magnetic effect, where none should exist: Study opens window into the landscape of extreme topological matter .

Teamwork makes light shine ever brighter: Combined energy sources return a burst of photons from plasmonic gold nanogaps.

What’s in a name? A new class of superconductors: Commonly mistaken name leads to broader discovery.

Thin is now in to turn terahertz polarization: Rice lab’s discovery of ‘magic angle’ builds on its ultrathin, highly aligned nanotube films .

Pristine quantum criticality found: Study: Quantum fluctuations may give rise to topological phases of matter.

Rice lab peers inside 2D crystal synthesis: Simulations could help molecular engineers enhance creation of semiconducting nanomaterials.

Boundaries no barrier for thermoelectricity: Rice researchers find potentially useful electrical phenomenon in gold nanowires .

2020 News:

Rice U. physicist Ming Yi wins coveted Moore Foundation grant: EPiQS award will support high-risk, high-reward experiments on quantum materials.

Quantum Hall effect ‘reincarnated’ in 3D topological materials: 2D order protects several entangled states that could be used in quantum computing.

Theoretical tubulanes inspire ultrahard polymers: Rice University-printed sample is full of holes, but stops bullets better than solid materials.

2D oxide flakes pick up surprise electrical properties: Rice University lab detects piezoelectric effects in nanosheets due to defects.

Graphene forms under microscope’s eye: Rice, Tennessee labs shrink laser-induced graphene for flexible electronics.

Rice lab’s bright idea is pure gold: Physicists see surprisingly strong light, high heat from nanogaps between plasmonic electrodes.

Quantum leap for speed limit bounds: Rice physicists set far-more-accurate limits on speed of quantum information.

Groovy key to nanotubes in 2D: Why do carbon nanotubes line up? They're in a groove.

Rice, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur sign memorandum: Exchange of research, resources will focus first on energy, materials, sustainable tech.

Rice’s RAMBO-II: A sequel better than the original: First-of-its-kind spectrometer is getting stronger magnets, wider range of lasers.

Tour scores prestigious Centenary Prize: Rice University chemist’s achievements earn top Royal Society of Chemistry honor.

Ammonia synthesis made easy with 2D catalyst: Rice University researchers have developed an inorganic method to synthesize ammonia that is both environmentally friendly and can produce the valuable chemical on demand under ambient conditions.

2019 News:

Electronic map reveals ‘rules of the road’ in superconductor: Band structure map exposes iron selenide’s enigmatic electronic signature.

Nano bulb lights novel path: Rice University engineers create tunable, nanoscale, incandescent light source.

Rice device channels heat into light: Rice University scientists are designing arrays of aligned single-wall carbon nanotubes to channel mid-infrared radiation (aka heat) and greatly raise the efficiency of solar energy systems.

Superconductors due for a tuneup: Some iron-based superconductors could benefit from a tuneup, according to two studies by Rice University physicists and collaborators.

Laser-induced graphene gets tough, with help: Laser-induced graphene created at Rice combines with many materials to make tough, conductive composites for wearable electronics, anti-icing, antimicrobial applications, sensors and water treatment.

Quantum criticality could be a boon for qubit designers: Physicists studying the strange behavior of metal alloys called heavy fermions have made a surprising discovery that could be useful in safeguarding the information stored in quantum bits, or qubits, the basic units of encoded information in quantum computers.

Physicists find first possible 3D quantum spin liquid: Cerium pyrochlore is first to qualify as long-sought state of matter.

Borophene on silver grows freely into an atomic ‘skin’: Borophene has a nearly perfect partner in a form of silver that could help the trendy two-dimensional material grow to unheard-of lengths.

Microscopic ‘donuts’ a treat for quantum tech: Dedicating dollars to “donuts,” scientists at Rice University are helping a national laboratory bring about a revolution in electronics and, perhaps, quantum computing.

Kaden Hazzard wins NSF CAREER Award: Five-year grant will support new simulations to advance ultracold physics.

Next up: Ultracold simulators of super-dense stars: Rice University physicists have created the world's first laser-cooled neutral plasma, completing a 20-year quest that sets the stage for simulators that re-create exotic states of matter found inside Jupiter and white dwarf stars.

Quirky kindred compounds could crack quantum code: Rice lab’s ‘Kondo metamagnet’ is first in a family of eccentric quantum crystals .

Quantum material goes where none have gone before: Rice University physicist Qimiao Si began mapping quantum criticality more than a decade ago, and he's finally found a traveler that can traverse the final frontier.

A hallmark of superconductivity, beyond superconductivity itself: ‘Electron pairing’ found well above superconductor’s critical temperature.

2018 News:

Rice sleuths find metal in ‘metal-free’ catalysts: Study of graphene catalysts finds trace of manganese, suggests better ultrathin fuel-cell components.

'Exceptional’ research points way toward quantum discoveries: Scientists make tunable light-matter couplings in nanotube films.

Nanotubes may give the world better batteries: Rice University scientists are counting on films of carbon nanotubes to make high-powered, fast-charging lithium metal batteries a logical replacement for common lithium-ion batteries.

Rice U. study sheds light on – and through – 2D materials: High-performance computing helps to survey optical qualities of atom-thick materials for optoelectronics.

Imperfections make photons perfect for quantum computing: Rice scientists show how atom-flat materials could produce polarized photons on demand.

Dressing atoms in an ultracold soup: Physicists build bizarre molecules called ‘Rydberg polarons’.

Graphene grows stronger against the wind: Rice, Oak Ridge National Laboratory technique grows pristine foot-long graphene.

Ultracold atoms used to verify 1963 prediction about 1D electrons: Rice U., U. of Geneva study focuses on theory that’s increasingly relevant to chipmakers.

Rice U. lab finds evidence of matter-matter coupling: Physicists show first proof of Dicke cooperativity in a matter-matter system.

Quantum shift shows itself in coupled light and matter: A team led by Rice University scientists used a unique combination of techniques to observe, for the first time, a condensed matter phenomenon about which others have only speculated. The research could aid in the development of quantum computers.

2017 News:

Rules for superconductivity mirrored in ‘excitonic insulator’: Rice University physicists dedicated to creating the working components of a fault-tolerant quantum computer have succeeded in creating an "excitonic insulator," a previously unseen state of matter that could be useful for encoding information in a topological quantum computer.

Entropy landscape sheds light on quantum mystery: High-performance computing helps to survey optical qualities of atom-thick materials for optoelectronics.

Rice’s Gustavo Scuseria wins Royal Society of Chemistry award: Gustavo Scuseria, Robert A. Welch Professor of Chemistry at Rice University, received the 2017 S F Boys/A Rahman award from the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK).

Boron atoms stretch out, gain new powers: Hold on, there, graphene. You might think you're the most interesting new nanomaterial of the century, but boron might already have you beat, according to scientists at Rice University.

Ultracold atom waves may shed light on rogue ocean killers: Ultracold atom waves may shed light on rogue ocean killers.

Rice U. physicists discover new type of quantum material: Rice U. physicists discover new type of quantum material.

2014 News:

RAMBO allows high-magnetic-field experiments on a tabletop: Rice University scientists have pioneered a tabletop magnetic pulse generator that does the work of a room-sized machine – and more.