Oct. 8 - Oct. 10, 2018
2018 Hangzhou Workshop on Quantum Matter
2018 Hangzhou Workshop on Quantum Matter
Oct. 8-10, 2018, Hangzhou
The Hangzhou Workshop on Quantum Matter is organized by the International Collaborative Center for Quantum Matter (ICCQM), a virtual research center established in 2009 as a platform for collaborations in the areas of quantum matter between Rice University and Zhejiang University. Other participating institutions of the ICCQM include the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids in Dresden, the London Center for Nanotechnology, the University of Science and Technology of China, and Hangzhou Normal University. Quantum Matter is a frontier subject concerning modern condensed matter and atomic systems, in which quantum correlation and quantum coherence strongly influence their physics properties. Information on previous workshops in the series can be found at the website of the ICCQM:
The 2018 Hangzhou Workshop on Quantum Matter will cover a broad range of topics on strongly correlated systems. These will include unconventional superconductivity, heavy fermions systems, quantum phase transitions and quantum critical phenomena, the physics of spin liquids, correlated topological systems, correlation effects in twisted graphene layers, ultracold atoms and quantum engineered systems. The number of invited talks will be about 35.
The workshop will bring together experimentalists and theorists from different countries in the world, including China, USA, Europe, Japan, and South Korea. In addition, it aims to stimulate and encourage more graduate students and junior scientists to engage in research on Quantum Matter.
International Advisory Committee
- Qimiao Si (Rice University, Chair)
- Elihu Abrahams (UCLA)
- Gabriel Aeppli (PSI/ETH/EPFL)
- Frank Steglich (Max-Planck Inst.)
- Xin-Cheng Xie (Peking University)
- Lu Yu (Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Fu-Chun Zhang (Univ CAS)
Local Organizing Committee
- Zhuan Xu (Chair)
- Stefan Kirchner
- Qijin Chen
Zhejiang University
Additional Financial Supports
National Natural Science Foundation of China
Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province
List of invited speakers: (* To be confirmed)
Unconventional Superconductivity:
- Pengcheng Dai (Rice)
- Laura H Greene (FSU)
- Ni Ni (UCLA)
- Xingjiang Zhou (IoP, CAS)
- Heavy Fermions
- Frank Steglich (Max-Planck and ZJU)
- Hilbert von Loehneysen (Karlsruhe)
- Lei Shu (Fudan)
- Hisamoto Harima* (Kobe U.)
- Yang Liu (ZJU)
Heavy Fermions – ARPES/STM Symposium:
- Steffen Wirth (MPI-CPfS)
- Shiyong Tan (Fudan)
- Yuji Matsuda (Kyoto)
- Pegor Aynajian (Binghamton U.)
Quantum Criticality
- Qimiao Si (Rice)
- Silke Paschen (TU Wien)
- Nigel Hussey (Radboud Univ)
- Andrew Green (University College London)
Spin Liquid
- Rajiv Singh (UC Davis)
- Alois Loidl (Univ. Augsburg)
- Jingsheng Wen (Nanjing Univ)
- QingmingZhang (Lanzhou Univ/IoP-CAS)
- Yuan Li (Peking U.)
- Tao Xiang (IoP, CAS)
Topology and Correlations
- Hae-Young Kee (U Toronto)
- Hsin-Hua Lai (Rice)
- Huiqiu Yuan (ZJU)
- Hong Ding * (IoP, CAS)
- Xiangang Wan (Nanjing U.)
Quantum Engineering
- Gabriel Aeppli (PSI/ETH/EPFL)
- Rui-Rui Du (Rice)
- Fu-Chun Zhang (Univ CAS)
- Han Pu (Rice)
- Kathy Levin * (U Chicago)
- Xiongjun Liu (Peking Univ)
- Wei Yi (USTC)