November 10 - 12 (winter school)
We invite early-career researchers to apply for the annual Rice Center for Quantum Materials (RCQM) Annual Winter School to be held on November 10 - 12, 2025. The RCQM Winter School will focus on materials synthesis and will be followed by a two day workshop on Quantum Geometry.
The 2025 Rice Winter School, sponsored by Smalley-Curl Institute (SCI) and RCQM, will consist of in-depth lectures and hands-on laboratory sessions. The lectures will be delivered by leading experts, covering topics related to Quantum Materials Synthesis, which will include synthesis using flux, floating zone techniques, chemical vapor deposition, pulsed laser deposition, and molecular-beam epitaxy. In addition, there will be hands-on laboratory sessions, complementary to the lectures, to provide the participants with opportunities to work in state-of-the-art labs and gain practical experience.
Program: The school will take place Mon-Wed and will consist of 5 pedagogical lectures over 2.5 days that aim to teach participants about various quantum materials synthesis techniques. These lectures will be complemented by 6 practical sessions on those synthesis techniques conducted in various laboratories at Rice University. Participants will also be able to present their research during the poster sessions held during the workshop immediately following the school.
How to apply: Application details coming soon.
November 12 - 14 (workshop)
Registration coming soon
The 2025 Rice Workshop on Quantum Geometry, which will be held on November 12 - 14, on the campus of Rice University in Houston, Texas, U.S.A., will bring together world leaders to discuss recent advances and challenges in the rapidly evolving field of quantum geometry.
(Note: If you have been accepted into the Winter School program you are automatically registered for the Workshop, so you do not need to RSVP for the Workshop.)