39th CNLS Annual Conference "Strongly Correlated Quantum Materials"

Apr. 29 - May. 3, 2019

39th CNLS Annual Conference "Strongly Correlated Quantum Materials"

Eldorado Hotel & Spa
309 W San Francisco St.
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
United States


Strongly correlated quantum materials provide a fertile ground for novel quantum phases and unusual excitations. The developments in recent years have considerably expanded the frontiers of the field.  Correlated topological states arise in materials with both strong correlations and large spin-orbit coupling. Signatures of quantum spin liquids appear in a flurry of new magnetic systems. Quantum criticality and strange metal behavior develop near a broad range of electronic orders, and are often associated with an electronic localization-delocalization instability. Considerable new insights are gained in the understanding of the iron-based superconductors and other classes of high temperature or otherwise unconventional superconductors. Engineered low-dimensional structures provide unexpected settings for the interplay between strong correlations and superconductivity. Finally, surprising properties are found in correlated systems driven out of equilibrium.

The conference will showcase these exciting developments. It will bring together key researchers active in the broad range of topics, promote crosstalk among the sub-communities, and highlight the emerging principles that may apply across the materials classes. To realize these goals, the speakers are instructed to emphasize on open questions, perspectives and outlooks.

The program will include eight invited sessions, as listed below. Each session will start with an introduction by a discussion leader, followed by three or four invited talks.  In addition, there will be two poster sessions and a number of short talks to be selected from contributed abstracts.

  • Strongly correlated topology
    (Nandini Trivedi: Yong-Baek Kim, Silke Paschen, Hsin-Hua Lai, Leslie Schoop)
  • Quantum criticality and strange metals
    (Piers Coleman: Meigan Aronson, Marc Janoschek*, Aharon Kapitulnik, Sudip Chakravarty)
  • Quantum magnetism
    (Cristian Batista*: Gabriel Aeppli, Philipp Gegenwart, Tarun Grover, Radu Coldea*)
  • Iron-based superconductivity
    (Dunghai Lee: Seamus Davis, Rong Yu, Ming Yi, Taka Shibauchi)
  • Unconventional superconductivity
    (Ni Ni: Frank Steglich, Stuart Brown, Jim Sauls, Adriana Moreo)
  • Correlated systems driven out of equilibrium
    (Alessandra Lanzara: Tom Devereaux, Rohit Prasankumar, Shuyun Zhou, Massimo Capone)
  • Quantum spin liquid
    (Lucile Savary: Rajiv Singh, Kate Ross, Hide Takagi, Steve Nagler)
  • Correlated materials in low dimensions
    (Greg Fiete: Guorui Chen, Liang Fu, Scott Crooker, Pengcheng Dai)

*To be confirmed



Contributed Abstract Submission Deadline: February 20, 2019

*Decisions on contributed presentations and financial support will be emailed in early March.

Hotel Reservation Deadline: March 17, 2019

Registration Deadline: April 26, 2019
*Registration is limited and may close sooner if capacity is reached.



Filip Ronning (Los Alamos National Lab, fronning@lanl.gov)

Qimiao Si (Rice University, qmsi@rice.edu)

Vivien Zapf (Los Alamos National Lab, vzapf@lanl.gov)

Jian-Xin Zhu (Los Alamos National Lab, jxzhu@lanl.gov)

This event is being brought to you by the Center for Nonlinear Studies at Los Alamos National Laboratory. This event has been declared "Open To The Public - With Registration".



Date and Time

Mon, Apr. 29 - Fri, May. 3, 2019


Eldorado Hotel & Spa

309 W San Francisco St.
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
United States