FCMP Lecture: Nonequilibrium Physics of Correlated Electron Materials

Sept. 15, 2015

Frontiers of Condensed Matter Physics Lecture - Title: Nonequilibrium Physics of Correlated Electron Materials


Frontiers of Condensed Matter Physics Lecture September 15, Tuesday 2015,

Columbia: 329 Pupin 4:10 PM EST live

Rice: SST301A 3:10 CST simulcast from Columbia U Oregon Eugene: 1:10 PST simulcast from Columbia

Speaker: Prof. Andrew Millis (Columbia, Physics)

Title: Nonequilibrium Physics of Correlated Electron Materials


Abstract: One of the new frontiers of condensed matter physics is the nonequilibrium properties of correlated electron materials-in other words, what happens when you drive an interesting system far out of equilibrium. From the conceptual point of view the topic is interesting because the concepts we know well from the equilibrium case don't apply to the nonequilibrium case, while from the experimental point of view the topic is interesting because whole new ranges of experiments are becoming possible. In this talk I will review the basic types of non-equilibrium experiments, summarize what is known and outline the open issues.


Date and Time

Tue, Sept. 15, 2015

3:10 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
(GMT-0500) US/Central