Interacting Quantum Systems Driven Out of Equilibrium

May. 5 - May. 6, 2016

Interacting Quantum Systems Driven Out of Equilibrium

Rice University - Dell Butcher Hall 180
Dell Butcher Hall
Houston, Texas 77005
United States



A central challenge of condensed matter and atomic physics today is understanding interacting, quantum many-body systems driven out of thermal equilibrium.  Thanks to recent advances in both experimental and theoretical techniques, this is an exciting, active area that is seeing new emergent results.  The Rice Center for Quantum Materials is hosting a workshop that will bring together the diverse community of researchers examining the various facets of the nonequilibrium quantum many-body problem.  Experimental systems include:  quantum materials driven by electronic bias beyond the linear regime; optical pump/probe methods to examine dynamic and steady-state nonequilibrium response; ultracold atoms in response to quench conditions and probed with far-from-equilibrium spectroscopy. 

Theoretical issues include: coherent many-body dynamics; many-body localization; Floquet states and dynamics in driving potentials; and thermalization/dissipation with driven quantum dynamics.




For questions on the scientific program, please contact one of the organizers

For accommodation and related questions, please contact Ginny Whitaker



Thursday Morning (8:00 am – noon): Nonequilibrium correlations and transport beyond linear response
Session I
Chair: Doug Natelson

8:00 Registration and Light Breakfast

8:30 Opening - Welcome Remarks, Yousif Shamoo, Vice Provost for Research, Rice University  and Qimiao Si, Director, Rice Center for Quantum Materials

8:45 Nadya Mason (UIUC)
9:15 Jonathan Bird (Buffalo)
9:45 David Goldhaber-Gordon (Stanford)
10:15 Tilman Esslinger (ETH Zurich)
10:45 Coffee break
Session II
Chair: Matthew Foster
11:00 Takashi Oka (MPIPKS/MPICPfS, Dresden)
11:30 Andrew Millis (Columbia)

Lunch and informal discussions (noon – 1:20)

Thursday Afternoon (1:30 – 5:15 pm): Ultrafast spectroscopy and quantum coherent driven dynamics
Session I
Chair: Sarang Gopalkrishnan

1:30 Alessandra Lanzara (Berkeley)

2:00 Peter Armitage (Johns Hopkins)
2:30 Jun Kono (Rice)
3:00 Coffee break
3:15 Christof Weitenberg (Hamburg)
3:45 Kaden Hazzard (Rice)
Session II
Chair: Bryce Gadway
4:15 Andrea Cavalleri (Max Planck, Hamburg)
4:45 Sarang Gopalkrishnan (Cal Tech)

Friday Morning (8:45 am – 12:05 pm): Thermalization, dissipation, and quantum quenches
Session I
Chair: Kaden Hazzard
8:45 Bryce Gadway (UIUC)
9:15 Doug Natelson (Rice)
9:45 Eugene Demler (Harvard)
10:15 Coffee break
Session II
Chair: Jun Kono
10:30 Ryo Shimano (Tokyo)
11:00 Emil Yuzbashyan (Rutgers)
11:30 Matthew Foster (Rice)

Lunch (noon – 1:00)

Friday Afternoon (1:00– 3 pm): Catered poster session and informal discussions